Duplex Ultrasound
Duplex Ultrasound is a diagnostic test used to examine blood flow through arteries and veins and identify blockages. The Duplex ultrasound is a combination of traditional ultrasound and doppler ultrasound. Traditional ultrasound waves reflect off of blood vessels in the scanned area to create an image and outline of the area, then the Doppler ultrasound waves record the sound as it reflects off the blood as it moves through the arteries and veins. This combination allows for the measurement of blood flow. The patient wears a medical gown for the procedure, to start a gel will be applied to the area, this gel enhances the ability of the sound waves being created for the test. A transducer, which emits the sound waves, also called a wand, sends out the sound waves which are then recorded by a receiver in the computer, and finally, the computer converts the sound waves into readable images.